The Importance of Prehabilitation

Aug 24, 2024

When talking about prehabilitation, we are referring to the importance of getting your ‘affairs’ in order before surgery or consultation (like tidying up that messy garage so you know where everything is prior to starting to work on your car). Prehabilitation prior to prostate surgery is about ensuring you are in tip-top condition, as an upcoming patient, to help enable the best possible outcome. This can involve getting information, starting specific exercises, connecting with other health professionals, losing a bit of weight, improving your general fitness and eating well.

This also refers to stocking up on the supplies you may need during recovery. In other words, planning ahead, as much as possible, and prepping yourself for what you might be in for post-surgery. In this episode, Brad talks about some of the steps you can take to prepare, both physically and mentally, to assist with optimal recovery.