News for Practitioners

'Under the Kilt' Therapeutic Update

Welcome to our Annual Mens Health Downunder Urologist Update “Under the Kilt”. We’re excited to unveilsome new innovations, deliver medical devices until now not available in Australia & New Zealand, engage new MHDU sites, rollout our podcast series, pump up the website & as always reach more Aussie men (& their partners) battling urological health issues.

Edition 2 | March 2024

Welcome to our New Year edition of Under the Kilt — the Mens’ Health Downunder (MHDU) news and therapeutic update for clinicians working in the men’s urological health space.


  • our Big Lap around Australia to promote mens’ health conversations
  • recent pharmacist additions to our program from across Australia
  • a new, easy-to-use MHDU prescribers’ portal
  • upcoming events and the MHDU conference

Edition 1 | December 2022

In this therapeutic update for practitioners, we'll be focusing on the newest devices for 2022, Pharmlogical advances in ED Management, Pharmacist Spotlight, TTNS and its Growing Role in Managing Incontinence, an update on our Podcasts, upcoming Events, as well as the Launch of the Mens Health Downunder Prescriber Portal.