- One of the main concerns for men post-operatively and/or post radiation therapy pertains to continence. Urinary incontinence is a term that describes any accidental or involuntary loss of urine from the bladder.
- With newer surgical techniques and greater ability to save the nerves associated with continence, most men are able to achieve a good level of both continence and urinary flow. It should be stressed however that it is imperative to perform the exercises prescribed by your Doctor, Physiotherapist or Prostate Nurse to achieve optimal outcomes.
- The prescribed exercises can take time and initially it may feel like you’re not making any headway so be sure to maintain them – it will come!
- Pelvic floor exercises can be difficult to perform. The following video does a good job of explaining them in simple terms. If you are still finding it difficult be sure to ask for help.
Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises
David Hughes
There are many types of incontinence pads available on the market. Help selecting the most appropriate pad for you is available from specialised practitioners such as a prostate nurse, continence nurse advisor (available in person or over the phone - as detailed below) or from your local pharmacy. Getting the correct pad can make all the difference and given most patients are continent before surgery, it can be a steep learning curve post-surgery.
Beyond incontinence pads or in cases where you are struggling to achieve continence and need extra help, there are devices (also called clamps) that are used to stop leakage from the bladder. They are applied to the base of the penis and physically block the urethra, preventing urine from being passed until the clamp is removed. These are most beneficial in the case of social outings or when you experience light bladder leakage. A range of clamps are available from Men’s Health Down under - see our shop.

The continence nurses at the Continence Foundation of Australia are a great resource and can be contacted by calling 1800 33 00 66. They have information in a number of languages and can refer you to other healthcare professionals if needed. They also provide patients with good tips and tricks and support along their recovery journey.
There is some financial assistance available to eligible patients under the CAPS program to help cover the cost of continence products and aids. Check with your Doctor or physiotherapist to see if you are eligible and to have any paperwork completed. More information is available at BladderBowel.gov.au
Pads available today are truly remarkable. Manufacturers such as Molicare have developed non odour pads and pads that are very discrete. Despite the fact that these pads are as good as they are it is important to do everything possible to maintain the integrity of your skin, ensuring it is kept healthy. The reason this is important is because when the skin is in contact with urine on a pad for any period of time it may become inflamed and sore – our skin is not designed to be in constant contact with urine. As with everything prevention is better than a cure and this prevention is best done with products such as Molicare Skin Barrier Cream or Foam. These products are specially formulated to ensure that the integrity of your skin is maintained and that it won’t affect the absorbency of the pad. Using traditional barrier creams such as Sudocrem or zinc and castor oil is not recommended as they adhere to the pad and cause it to repel the urine, pushing it back onto the skin.
Should you notice the skin in your genital area becoming sore, red or inflamed it is important to speak with your pharmacist, continence nurse or doctor as soon as possible and they will be able to help you find a solution and also prevent it from happening in the future.