Andropeyronie Penile Traction Device


Andropeyronie is a penile traction device, which is included on the ARTG, that may assist men to correct penile curvature. Certainly this is not the most comfortable nor the most effect device on the market but with persistence it can help.

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The Andropeyronie traction device can be used for the management of Peyronie’s disease and for men with a retracted penis. With repeated use over 6 months or more in accordance with the manufactures directions it can both improve penile curvature and lengthen the penis.

Whilst relatively cost effective we do find most patients report back that it is not only difficult to apply but that it can cause an amount of discomfort wearing it for the prescribed duration owing to its fairly rudimental strap attachment. A recent study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research also demonstrates the superior effect of devices such as PeniMaster Pro as well as RestoreX.

Bole R, White L, Parikh N, Helo S, Kohler T, Ziegelmann M. A modern review of penile traction monotherapy and combination therapy for the treatment of peyronie’s disease. Int J Impot Res. 2021 Apr;33(3):251-258 1.

Additional information

Weight 351 g
Dimensions 11 × 16 × 7 cm

Andromedical, Andropeyronie

Country of Manufacture


Contents of the Andropeyronie® include:

  • 1 x Andropeyronie
  • 2 x Androcomfort Bands
  • 2 x Androsilicone Bands
  • 4 x Androtop
  • 2 x Androring
  • 20 x Extension rods of different sizes
  • 5 x Towelettes
  • 1 x Travel Bag
  • 1 x Instruction Booklet
  • 1 Year Manufacturer’s Warranty
  • *** SPECIAL: Comfort Kit included for free

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