Caya Contoured Diaphragm


The hormone-free contraception

The Caya® Diaphragm is particularly suitable for women:
  • who only want to use contraception when they have sex
  • after childbirth / between two pregnancies
  • who have a latex allergy
  • in combination with natural methods of family planning (e.g. symptothermal method)

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The hormone-free contraception

Many women want natural and safe contraception – without hormones! With the new Caya® Diaphragm, they can use safe, hormone-free and self-determined contraception when they need it. The Caya® is inserted into the vagina before sexual intercourse. It covers the cervix completely and is located between the posterior vaginal vault and the niche on the pubic bone. During and after sexual intercourse, the Caya® prevents sperm from entering the uterus. After intercourse, the Caya® diaphragm must remain in the vagina for at least 6 hours.

100 % of users surveyed would recommend the Caya diaphragm to others.

(Caya User Survey 2022/23)

Key Features:

  • hormone-free
  • easy handling
  • no side effects
  • reusable for 2 years
  • latex-free
  • no adjustment necessary
  • environmentally friendly
  • no impairment of sexual sensations of both partners
  • always only to be used when it is necessary
  • together with the contraceptive gel it offers double safety

98 % of users prefer the Caya Diaphragm as a contraceptive method because it is hormone-free.

(said Healthcare Professionals, Caya Survey 2023)

The Caya® Diaphragm is particularly suitable for women

  • who only want to use contraception when they have sex
  • after childbirth / between two pregnancies
  • who have a latex allergy
  • in combination with natural methods of family planning (e.g. symptothermal method)

Useful Resources

Additional information

Weight 28 g
Dimensions 7 × 8 × 3 cm

Caya® Contoured Contraceptive Diaphragm

What’s included in this kit:
  • Caya® Diaphragm
  • Instructions for Use
  • Caya® Storage Container

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