Same Sex

Erectile Dysfunction can be challenging for same sex couples, especially when your partner has no issues getting an erection. Moreover, your normal sexual preferences may need reviewing if one of you are having issues.

Whilst there are lots of options it’s always wise to make sure you are using the most appropriate device and equally that you're taking the most appropriate medication. Our team of pharmacists often work with same sex couples and acknowledge that whilst the physiology is the same, sometimes the challenges are different. We are only too happy and very much comfortable with helping you navigate the options as to what may be appropriate for you and/or your partner to try.

We know that men's health troubles (in all their forms) often fall into the 'too hard basket' when it comes to discussing it with a Doctor because we hear things like:

  • "I don't want to make them feel uncomfortable"
  • "I don't know how to start the conversation"
  • "I'm LGBTQI and I don't really want to discuss it or be judged"
  • "Its only ED and not a serious medical condition - they'll think I'm wasting their time"
  • "I can live with it for now, I'll wait"
  • "It is what it is and I don't know that there is much that can be done"
  • "I don't really want them poking and prodding around down there"
  • and perhaps most unfortunately "My Doc is female and I just can't"

Discussing possible options and treatment regimens and even how to navigate the heathcare system - from GP to Specialist - with one of our pharmacists breaks the ice and in part prepares and educates you so that you can be comfortable with the above questions. After you've had a consult with one of our pharmacists we will provide you with a referral letter for your GP. We find that this also assists in breaking down the barriers and equally helps your GP in formulating a robust plan of attack (as opposed to the "here try this and tell me if it doesn't work" approach where you can be left feeling worse and more helpless than ever when it doesn't).

Finally, and it may sound obvious, but don’t forget that men's health issues such as ED affects guys of all ages, nationalities and sexual orientation so you're definitely not alone.

Please feel free to check out the other resources on the website for more information and of course the online store and please contact us if you would like any further assistance or information